How I Warm-Up for EVERY Training Session

I know many people who love working out and training but skimp out on the quality and duration of their warm-ups and it boggles my mind. Warming up not only helps in preventing injury but aids in PERFORMANCE. That is proven science that I will just spend a little bit of time on but the real reason of this post is insight into how I warm-up for every training session. And yes, I am implying this is how you should also warm-up for every training session.

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Does anyone else hate it when your arms don’t fill out a sleeve in your shirt? My girlfriend does, and so do I. I’ve always had big arms from doing plenty of pulls and presses but was lacking definition…I wanted to change that. That’s why I put together this 8 week arm trainer to build size and strength in the arms using compound and isolation movements, complexes, and max rep sets.

Download the workout FREE HERE.

4 Ways to Demolish Your Deadlift PR

The deadlift is the king of the strength exercises and one of my favorite tools in increasing strength, size, and sports performance. Few things in life feel better than locking out a heavy ass deadlift. Whether you pull conventional, sumo, hybrid, or with a hex bar your lift is only as strong as your weakest link. Here are a few ways to diagnose your weak point, target that weak spot for training, and demolish your past PR.

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Olympic Style Weightlifting for Sports Performance

A few years ago I was asked to put together a piece on olympic style weightlifting (snatch, clean, and jerk) and its relevance in sports performance enhancement for basketball players for a new company called True Athelite. Check-out the article HERE.

This is still a favorite topic of mine as I love the olympic lifts for their ability to develop power and force production in the gym and have tremendous carry over to sport. I use the olympic lifts very often in my programming for my athletes to get them to the top of their game and build explosive and dangerous power.

Give it a read and get to work!

Quick Lessons From A Day with Donny Shankle

Last Spring, the Rutgers Weightlifting Club brought in Donny Shankle for a seminar and training session. It was an intense and hardcore learning experience to say the least. But before reading this any further you should familiarize yourself with “The Lion Killer.”

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